Monday, June 9, 2014

Sacred Texts Conference 2014 - Day 1

Turkey Day 1 Sacred Texts Conference

We started early this morning with a 7:30 AM departure from our hotel to Fatih University.  We spent well over an hour in Istanbul rush hour traffic, arriving at the University about 8:40.  The conference was very intense, with a two hour opening session, followed by three academic sessions throughout the day, with a break for lunch, and a campus tour, lecture and dinner at the end of the day.  Given that many of us were still jet lagged, it made for some droopy attendees at various points throughout the day!  However, food and strong Turkish tea is always available so there are ways to jump start flagging engines!  My only complaint was that the hotel fitness center doesn't open until 7 AM so there's no way I can get there when we are leaving so early and by the time I get back I'm so stuffed with food that exercise is most definitely NOT an option!  (The baklava at dinner tonight was to die for.)We had some lively sessions and I've enjoyed having the opportunity to interact with scholars from all over the world who are engaged in interfaith conversations.   

Bonnie spent a quiet day, sleeping in, going to fitness center, sunning herself by the pool, visiting the outlet mall across the street from the hotel (getting very good at sign language so as to purchase wine, dinner and snacks!) and getting dinner at a local restaurant.  We finished the evening in the lobby bar, where I enjoyed my ritual G&T.  

Tomorrow I present my paper, last session of the day, so I expect exhausted, glassy eyed attendees who are only marginally present.  Bonnie is planning to take a taxi out to the University to attend my session and then stay for dinner. Tomorrow ends the academic part of the conference and Wednesday we start touring.  

The pics today are shots of Dr. Shafiq opening the conference, the Sufi musicians who were playing music as we settled in this morning, the life size chess board that is in the main hall of the academic building we are in for the conference (students walk by and move the pieces around in a multi-person game of chess throughout the day!) and a shot of the University.  

I'm exhausted from the non-stop interaction all day.  Hoping to sleep better tonight so that I am more with it tomorrow!

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